By mid-morning, the nausea was a bit settled, so I brewed a cup of ginger peach tea for her, and provided more crackers.
~Ginger is wonderful for an upset stomach! If feeling queasy just take some ginger ale, ginger tea, gingersnaps, or the like.
At lunch, she was feeling much better, so I could move to a bit more substantial food. I decided the B.R.A.T. diet would be the safest thing
B. bananas
R. rice
A. applesauce
T. toast
Keeping to this diet as much as possible, I made toast with homemade peanut butter and a banana/apple smoothy.
Here is what I did:
Banana and Apple Smoothy
1 Banana
1 Apple
1/2 c. Frozen Strawberries
1 c. Fruit Juice
1 TBS Honey
Mix all in a blender (stirring as needed) till smooth and creamy.
The toast was just my dad's homemade honey whole wheat bread that I stuck in the toaster till it was golden brown.

'buttery'. Spread that on the toast and voilá!
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